Friday, April 19, 2013

azee on TOP!

"God saw everything that he had made, and indeed, it was very good." (Genesis 1:31)

It’s because I am midget that I always wanted to climb on top! :)

1st climb: Skypark - Singapore (January 2012)
Booked a ticket with 5 hours layover just to go to this place :)

2nd climb: Eiffel Tower - Paris (May 2012)
Yey! it's a dream come true! Despite of the long line before we finally's so sulit to see the view all over Paris :)

3rd climb: Burj Khalifa - The Top - Dubai (April 2013)
I've finally climbed the tallest building in the world-world-world! Though you won't really go to the top of this building but you will climb up to the 124th floor in less than a minute. 

Thank you papa God for giving me the opportunity to see the vastness of your creation. Hoping for more sky crappers to climb-up in the future! :)


  1. Hi Azee,

    It's nice to know that you're truly blessed upon seeing the wonders of GOD's creation.

    I'm so proud of you and hope you keep clinging to the TOP!

    God Bless!

  2. hi Edison! salamat! God bless you too :)
